Polish-1st-Armoured-Division 2014.09.19, Flames of War1, 3rd edition

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//-->Updated on19 September20141 Po lish Arm ouredst(7x Sherman, 4x Crusader A/A tanks)10 brygadakawaleriipancernej3 brygadaStrZelców(4 Sherman, 6x Crusader A/A,11x Stuart tanks)A Squadron (12x Sherman, 4x Firefly tanks)B Squadron (12x Sherman, 4x Firefly tanks)C Squadron (12x Sherman, 4x Firefly tanks)1 pUłkpancerny(4 Sherman, 6x Crusader A/A,11x Stuart tanks)A Squadron (12x Sherman, 4x Firefly tanks)B Squadron (12x Sherman, 4x Firefly tanks)C Squadron (12x Sherman, 4x Firefly tanks)24 pUłkUłanów im.HetmanaZółkiewSkiego1 batalionStrZelcówpodHalanSkicHA Company (3x 2” mortars, 9x MG, 3x PIAT)B Company (3x 2” mortars, 9x MG, 3x PIAT)C Company (3x 2” mortars, 9x MG, 3x PIAT)D Company (3x 2” mortars, 9x MG, 3x PIAT)S Company (6x 3” mortars, 6x 6 pdr guns,13x Universal carriers)(4 Sherman, 6x Crusader A/A,11x Stuart tanks)A Squadron (12x Sherman, 4x Firefly tanks)B Squadron (12x Sherman, 4x Firefly tanks)C Squadron (12x Sherman, 4x Firefly tanks)2 pUłkpancerny10 pUłkdragonówZmotoryZowanycH(12x 6 pdr guns, 8x MMG carriers)A Company (12x M5 half-tracks,4x White scout cars, 11x Universal carriers,2x 3” mortars, 3x 2” mortars, 9x MG, 3x PIAT)C Company (as A Company)I Company (as A Company)8 batalionStrZelcówA Company (3x 2” mortars, 9x MG, 3x PIAT)B Company (3x 2” mortars, 9x MG, 3x PIAT)C Company (3x 2” mortars, 9x MG, 3x PIAT)D Company (3x 2” mortars, 9x MG, 3x PIAT)S Company (6x 3” mortars, 6x 6 pdr guns,13x Universal carriers)exileSAfter the fall of Poland all the remaining Polish soldiers,sailors and airmen who had fought the Germans in 1939escaped to France, fought the Germans again in France andNorway, and retreated with the British Army to the UnitedKingdom.Stationed in Scotland, they helped build coastal defencesuntil the Polish 1st Corps under Wladyslaw Sikorski wasformed. One of the first units formed was the 1st ArmouredDivision.At Mont Ormel, Chambois, and Hill 262, the Poles foughtand held against elements of the 2. and 12. SS-Panzerdivsionsfor almost a week, often against great odds and enduringincredible hardship. Their actions on the Falaise battlefieldearned them the admiration of the Allies and the respect,however grudgingly, of the Germans.afternormandyAfter the Normandy Breakout, the Division fought itsway across Belgium and the Netherlands, liberating Ypres,Ghent, and Passchendale. A brilliant flanking manoeuvre byMazcek forced the Germans out of Breda, allowing the Polesto take the city without firing a shot. The Division spentthe winter of 1944 on the southern bank of the Rhine, andin 1944 it began liberating towns in Northern Germany. InApril the Division entered the Elmsland area, and on 1 Mayit entered Wilhelmshaven, where it accepted the surrender ofthe fortress, naval base, and 10 German Divisions.The end of the war was not kind to the Poles in WesternEurope. Many regarded the actions of Churchill andRoosevelt at Yalta as a betrayal, because they were not able togo and liberate their homeland. The Polish I Corps, of which1st Armoured Division was now a part, stayed in Germanyon garrison duty until 1947, when it was disbanded. Onlya few of the men returned to their homeland; the rest wentinto exile in England and other Western countries.tonormandyFortune favoured the Poles in this regard. The commanderof the Division, General Stanislaw Maczek, was Poland’spremier mechanized commander, and many of his subor-dinate officers from the unit he commanded in 1939 (The10th Mechanized Brigade) had made their way to Englandwith him.Organized on the British Armour Division model, they wereinitially equipped and trained on Crusader tanks. But inlate 1943 and early 1944 these were replaced with Shermantanks. The division waited, somewhat impatiently, to becommitted to the Normandy campaign, and in late July thefirst units of the Division were shipped to the Normandytheatre. On 1 August, the entire Division was in theatre,and were attached to First Canadian Army. A week later, inOperation Totalize, it saw its first combat. Although its firstcombat was not effective, the Poles soon played an integralpart in the Battle of Falaise.2DivisionartyleriadywiZyjna9 batalionStrZelcówflandryjSkicHA Company (3x 2” mortars, 9x MG, 3x PIAT)B Company (3x 2” mortars, 9x MG, 3x PIAT)C Company (3x 2” mortars, 9x MG, 3x PIAT)D Company (3x 2” mortars, 9x MG, 3x PIAT)S Company (6x 3” mortars, 6x 6 pdr guns,13x Universal carriers)1 pUłkartyleriimotorowej(24x Sexton self-propelled guns)1 pUłkartyleriiprZeciwlotnicZej(36x 40mm Bofors guns,18x 40mm (SP) Bofors self-propelled guns)2 pUłkartyleriimotorowej(24x 25 pdr guns)Machine-gun Company(12x MMG carriers, 4x 4.2” mortars)SamodZielnakompania ckm.1 pUłkartyleriiprZeciwpancernej(24x M10C (17 pdr) self-propelled guns,24x 17 pdr guns)10 pUłkStrZelcówkonnycH(armoUredrecceregiment)(4x Cromwell, 6x Crusader A/A,11x Stuart tanks)A Squadron (16x Cromwell tanks)B Squadron (16x Cromwell tanks)C Squadron (16x Cromwell tanks)Divisional Strength: 14,964 soldiers, 4 tank battalions, 4 infantry battalions, 290 tanks, 24 self-propelled anti-tank guns, 50 universal carriers,24 self-propelled guns, 24 artillery pieces, 54 anti-tank guns, 46 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, 36 anti-aircraft guns, 20 heavy machine-guns,4 heavy mortars, 24 medium mortars.Division Units10 Brygada Kawalerii Pancernej (10th Armoured Cavalry Brigade): 1 Pułk Pancerny (1st Polish Armoured Regiment), 2 Pułk Pancerny (2ndPolish Armoured Regiment), 24 Pułk Ułanów im. Hetmana Żółkiewskiego (24th Polish Lancers Regiment “Hetman Żółkiewskiego”), 10 PułkDragonów Zmotoryzowanych (10th Polish Dragoons Regiment).3 Brygada Strzelców (3rd Polish Infantry Brigade): 1 Batalion Strzelców Podhalańskich (1st Polish Highland Battalion), 8 Batalion Strzelców(8th Polish Rifle Battalion), 9 Batalion Strzelców Flandryjskich (9th Polish Rifle Battalion ‘Flanders’), Samodzielna Kompania ckm. (1st PolishIndependent HMG Squadron).Artyleria Dywizyjna (Divisional Artillery): 1 Pułk Artylerii motorowej (1st Polish Motorized Artillery Regiment), 2 Pułk Artylerii motorowej(2nd Polish Motorized Artillery Regiment), 1 Pułk Artylerii przeciwpancernej (1st Polish Anti-Tank Regiment, formed in 1945 from smallerunits), 1 Pułk Artylerii przeciwlotniczej (1st Polish Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment).Other Units: 10 Pułk Strzelców Konnych (10th Polish Mounted Rifle Regiment, the armoured recce regiment).POLISH SPECIAL RULESThe Polish forces in Normandy were trained and organisedalong British lines and use the following British Special Ruleson pages 246 to 248 of the rulebook:Carry On, Sergeant;Night Attack; Semi-indirect Fire; Eight-gun and Twelve-gunBatteries; Mike TargetandTow Hooks.They also have the following special rule of their own.fate of tHenationThe Poles fight to re-establish their nation, and by fightingwell alongside the Allies they hope gain support for theircause. They display remarkable bravery in combat, oftenpushing on to take objectives when any other men wouldof turned back.A Polish platoon joined by a 2iC Command team may re-roll failed Platoon Morale Checks.3SZWADRON PANCERNY(tankcompany)HEADQUARTERSHEADQUARTERSYou must field one platoon from each box shaded black and may field one platoon from each boxshaded grey.Szwadron Pancerny HQ5WEAPONS PLATOONCOMBAT PLATOONSDIVISIONAL SUPPORT PLATOONSARMOURRECONNAISSANCEARMOURAnti-tank Platoon (SP),Polish Artillery2267Pancerny PlatoonARMOURPancerny Recce PatrolANTI-AIRCRAFTINFANTRYZmotoryzowany PlatoonPiechoty Platoon1115ARTILLERYField Battery (SP),Polish Artillery20Pancerny PlatoonARMOURPancernyAnti-aircraft PlatoonBRIGADE SUPPORT PLATOONS667RECONNAISSANCEARTILLERYPancerny PlatoonScout PlatoonINFANTRYField Battery,Polish ArtilleryField Battery (SP),Polish ArtilleryMedium Battery,Royal Artillery20202112ANTI-AIRCRAFT22Light Anti-aircraft Platoon11Zmotoryzowany PlatoonPiechoty PlatoonAIRCRAFT1915Air SupportAOP19Air Observation Post4motivation andSkillNo Soldier is more motivated to fight the Germans than the Pole. They fight to defeat theGermans and once again reclaim their homeland from its conquerors.A Szwadron Pancerny is rated asFearless Trained.RELUCTANTCONFIDENTFEARLESSCONSCRIPTTRAINEDVETERAN1StpoliSHarmoUreddiviSionHEADQUARTERSSZwadronpancernyHQHeadQUarterSCompany HQ with:3 Sherman V2 Sherman V210 points140 pointsSherman VFirefly VCCompany CommandSherman V2iC CommandSherman VKapitanKapitanSierzantoptionS• Add Firefly VC tank for +100 points.• Arm any or all Sherman V tanks with a.50 cal AA MG for +5 points per tank.• Arm Firefly VC tank with AA MG for +5 points.• Add Sherman ARV recovery vehicle for +10 points.Armed with the reliable American Sherman tank, the threearmoured regiments of the Polish 1stArmoured Divisioncome to Normandy ready to fight.The Poles were a little under-strength and fielded only threeplatoons per squadron in Normandy. They still received theirfull allocation of Firefly VC tanks, so the extras were attachedto the headquarters.Szwadron Pancerny5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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